About Amanda
Hey there! My name is Amanda and I’m so excited you’ve found my little corner of the internet. Here’s a little bit about me:
I grew up in southern Maine, about seven minutes from the ocean and have my whole life had a deep love for nature, books & things a little bit spooky. I’ve always wanted to be an author, but have never quite made the time to focus on it. I’m hoping this page will gather my interests - musing on life and what’s happening in the world, spooky and witchy vibes, nature, and protecting the wild spaces around us.
The Wild Margins is where I gather all these pieces together - it's part nature journal, part grimoire, part story collection, and part love letter to our wild, changing planet. When I'm not writing about the strange moments in everyday life, you might find me celebrating the turning seasons, spinning fictional tales, or documenting the quiet work of conservation. Think part naturalist, part witch, part storyteller, all rolled into someone who spends way too much time watching birds and playing with her fluffy orange cat.
Come write in the margins with me!